Web tools

These are various tools that I have made which work entirely on the web. That means no software download is required as you can simply run these on any modern web browser.

Celaria web tools
Total tool use: ??

A collection of the many web tools I've made for Celaria.

Map editing

These tools can be used to assist in map editing. I usually use external map editors for Celaria where most of the functions are built to the editor, but if you prefer the built-in map editor then these tools can be useful. Note that .ecmap files are different from .cmap files, I do not plan to support .cmap files.

.ecmap downgrader ??
Downgrade .ecmap files to be compatible with the legacy open alpha versions.

.ecmap object splitter ??
Split a .ecmap file into two files. Best used with the .ecmap combiner.

.ecmap combiner ??
Combine multiple .ecmap files into one.

.ecmap to .json converter ??
Convert a binary .ecmap to a text based .json file for easy editing on external programs/tools.

.json to .ecmap converter ??
Restores a .json file created from the .ecmap to .json converter back to a .ecmap.

.brk to .ecmap converter ??
Convert a Brick Hill Legacy .brk file created from Brick Hill Legacy related map editors.

.ecmap to .brk converter ??
Convert a Celaria .ecmap file to a .brk file for Brick Hill Legacy related map editors.

Character creation

.BAO generator ??
.BAO files are used by Celaria for character models. The tool provides an easy way to generate Celaria specific .BAO files by using .obj files as the input.

Miscellaneous web tools

3D formats

ClassicWorld (.cw) to MagicaVoxel (.vox) converter
Convert ClassicWorld formatted files such as ClassiCube saves to MagicaVoxel .vox files.

Brick Hill Legacy .brk to .obj converter